Friday, September 19, 2008

And the gender is......

It's a Boy | It's a Girl | I'm Expecting MySpace Graphics

Yep thats right, the Larsen Legacy will continue with another boy. I am pretty much not counting on having a little girl, seeings how John has 6 brothers and I have 3. But thats okay...there are pluses of having another boy: Cohen is going to have so much fun with a little brother to play with, he doesn't know it yet, but what a lucky kid. We don't have to buy new clothes, since baby #2 will be born during the same season that Cohen was. And not that I'm bias, but honestly, John and I make the cutest baby boys ever, again, another plus. The only down side is we can't think of a name. If you have suggestions of cute, uncommon, unpopular, original names, we are willing to hear them.


Lauren Perry said...

CONGRATS!!! I think I was 2 boys in a row as well :) But we aren't jumping into that boat until next year sometime. You do make DARN CUTE little boys :)

I like the names Ryder, Hudson, Colton, Tatum, Easton, Keaton, and Charlie!

Holly said...

Hey Mandie- it's your cousin Holly. I think I found your blog through Andrea Campbell's. Anyway, I'm excited for you that you are expecting again and that you'll have another little boy. I've enjoyed having two girls together because they will likely enjoy similar things for awhile and like you said, you can pass down the clothes! I've heard the name Jamin only once and it's kind of interesting. Also, Jantzen and Trustin. Those are the names of brothers who lived in one of my student apartment complexes and once I got used to them, I thought the names were kinda cool!

The Kelly Family said...

Congratulations!! I agree, you make the cutest boys. And yeah, Cohen gets a brother! This was my fave baby name website...
I'm excited for you guys!! Good luck picking out a name and good luck with your pregnancy. We miss you!

The Kelly Family said...

I like the names Madden, Dax, Rory, Cody, Cale, and Brighton. Good luck with the baby names.

The Kelly Family said...

I just made our blog private. Send me an email at and I'll send you an invite :)