Saturday, February 16, 2008

Cohen Babbles

If you listen close enough, he is also clicking his tongue...hehe what a cutie!


Danielle Richardson said...

AWWW Cute!!! i've never heard him babble before yay cohen!!!

Lauren Perry said...

hey girl! I love the video!
we are going private on our blog now :) I need your email addy so that I can add you to my list! email me at (I am going to be deleting this email addy this week- so do it soon!)

Katie C Kirkham said...


You can totally put my blog on your friend's list. The more the merrier right. I am glad that Gabby called you. If you really want to switch providers I would be happy to check with my supervisor to see if I can pick you guys up. Gabby and I are different teams (meaning we have different geographical areas that we cover) but they might let me take Cohen. I hope all is well with you and your family.


Marie said...

That was so cute! I am cracking up because towards the end it sounded like he said "fat butt". I had to watch it twice because he is so cute :)