Monday, January 28, 2008


I publish this post in honor of President Hinckley. I was truly shocked at hearing of his passing, even though he was 97, I wasn't prepared to have him leave us. He was one of my very favorite prophets and I will miss him dearly. There is a quote I want to share, given by him in the 2003 October Relief Society Conference. It touches my heart and makes my eyes tear up at this romantic statment:

"Now to you dear grandmothers, you older widows, and older lonely women. How beautiful you are. I look upon my dear wife, soon to be 92 years of age. Her hair is white; her frame is stooped.
I take one of her hands in mine and look at it. Once it was so beautiful, the flesh firm and clear. Now it is wrinkled and a little bony and not very strong. But it speaks of love and constancy and faith, of hard work through the years. Her memory is not what it once was. She can remember things that happened half a century ago but may not remember what happened half an hour ago. I am like that, too.
But I am so grateful for her. For 66 years we have walked together, hand in hand, with love and encouragement, with appreciation and respect. It cannot be very long before one of us will step through the veil. I hope the other will follow soon. I just would not know how to get along without her, even on the other side, and I would hope that she would not know how to get along without me."

and this quote in 2004 October Sunday Morning Session:

"Before I married her, she had been the girl of my dreams, to use the words of a song then popular. She was my dear companion for more than two-thirds of a century, my equal before the Lord, really my superior. And now in my old age, she has again become the girl of my dreams."

My heart rejoices for I know our prophet has returned home to the arms of his Father in Heaven and his loving sweetheart, Marjorie. I pray we all may live a life of complete happiness and romance such as these two had and will continue to have now that they are reunited. I love this gospel, it has made me extremely happy and has blessed me with a wonderful husband whom I love with all my heart and get to be with for eternity. I love the Savior, and it comforts me to know that he sacraficed his life for us so that we may all return to our Heavenly Father; just as our beloved prophet has done. I say these things in his name, Amen.


The Kelly Family said...

Those are cute quotes. I don't know if I have ever heard them before (I don't remember if I have). I picture him up in heaven happily reuniting with his wife. He lived a long and prosperous life here, I'm sure he was ready to go home.